

A web-based project designed to replicate/build similar “hacking” challenges that can be found on the NoPixel 4.0 FiveM Server. Any and all input is appreciated greatly; create an issue regarding suggestions, improvements or questions, I will respond as soon as possible.

Developed using HTML, CSS, TS (Compiled to JS).

[!NOTE] 💬 M4XIAC in twitch chat, dm me with questions etc.
🔍 If you found this repository through a streamer, let me know who!

📈 Contributions

The project NoPixel-MiniGames-4.0 is a completely free-to-use service. As long as I have time and interest I will continue to update and advance different aspects of this project. Whether that’s new MiniGames or general bug fixes. If you would like to contribute to this free-to-use project and me, @MaximilianAdF, in general, you can do it in the following ways:

🚨 Highscores

A revamp of the entire no-px structure that now incorporates a universal scoring system for each minigame and each combination of presets. A user can now locally track their streak of sucessfully solved games (in a row) automatically, displayed in the bottom right corner of all minigames1. Furthermore this update includes a user structure where a user can enter their own username that will be associated with their highscores. An individual whom enters their username will have their thereafter highscores published to the no-px database and displayed in the highscore section of the main menu. If you prefer to not partake in this public system simply press ‘Remove’ in the user menu2, you will still be able to utilize the streak/highscore system locally. A sucessfully uploaded highscore is indicated by the alert ‘🥂 Highscore Uploaded’3. # ‎




  1. This picture shows the new structure of minigame layout’s where the user and highscore sections are visible in the top right and bottom right corners respectively. 

  2. This is the user menu where one can enter a username that will be associated with their highscores, press ‘Remove’ to not partake in the storing & sharing of your highscores 

  3. This image shows the ‘🥂 Highscore Uploaded’ when the user has entered a username in the user menu and set a new highscore for the minigame or preset